Alter Ego: An attempt at discovering and acknowledging the different nuances that reflect our inner self. Every side to us shares a unique relationship with our ideas of who we think we should be.
Designer, creative director and Founder of Acaciastudio: Sabren Amin | @Acaciastudio_
Director & Written By: Douaa | @douaa_el_azizi
Director of Photography & Editor: Rojal J Myers | @rojal_jerome
Director & Written By: Douaa | @douaa_el_azizi
Director of Photography & Editor: Rojal J Myers | @rojal_jerome
Maya Hammoud | @mayahammo
Warda Reggane | @wardareggane
Memunatu Barrie | @memuna2barrie
Zohra Laaraba | @zaaraba
Rabab | @rabouuubaa
Amina Ali | @amina.begum.ali
Videographer: Leeya Mirza | @leeyamirza
BTS Videographer: Sara Jane Wilkinson | @kreightvisions
Mimuna Hussin | @mimuna_photography
Noor-u-nisa khan | @noorandzee
Judith Rita | @JudithRitaPhotography
Make Up Artist:
Amaanah Latif | @glithening
Natalie Cannon | @nattyxbeauty
Iga Paterewicz | @xmakeupbyiga
Jewellery Designer:
Esmy | @esmyjewellery
Special Thanks
Taziri Hijabs |
Warda Reggane | @wardareggane
Memunatu Barrie | @memuna2barrie
Zohra Laaraba | @zaaraba
Rabab | @rabouuubaa
Amina Ali | @amina.begum.ali
Videographer: Leeya Mirza | @leeyamirza
BTS Videographer: Sara Jane Wilkinson | @kreightvisions
Mimuna Hussin | @mimuna_photography
Noor-u-nisa khan | @noorandzee
Judith Rita | @JudithRitaPhotography
Make Up Artist:
Amaanah Latif | @glithening
Natalie Cannon | @nattyxbeauty
Iga Paterewicz | @xmakeupbyiga
Jewellery Designer:
Esmy | @esmyjewellery
Special Thanks
Taziri Hijabs |