About the Project:
Who you loyal to? is a short spoken word film, expressing the thoughts and feelings of a freelance  creative. As a freelancer myself, I am always conflicted with my purpose as a creative.This short film comes from the perspective of my subconscious speaking to myself questioning if I am I doing for myself, others or the money. 
There have been times in my career where I’ve had to make compromises to take on projects I wouldn’t normally do just so I can get by. A lot of the time I feel like creatives are not valued as human beings but more as a service and is expected to drop everything they’re doing at a moments notice to accommodate others.
As I wrote this film, I realised how little time I was investing in myself. My time was consumed in satisfying the needs of others whilst neglecting my own.
This film came as a timely reminder to step back from it all and to start prioritising my own goals. There is a lot of power in saying NO and there fear of missing out shouldn’t control you.
My goal for this film is to start a boarder conversation within ourselves and the community to make sure that we’re taking care of our mental health, recognising and reminding ourselves of our personal values and why we love what we do. 
In a industry that is so demanding of your time; it’s good to create a support system for creatives within the industry so that they don’t feel like they are doing this by themselves. 
Funmi Olagunju | @thefunmiofficial
Jimi Alli | @Jimi.Alli
Amarae Cato Daniel | @official_zhino
Audrey Aigbonkonkon | @audreetheedoll
Siah | @siahthekid
Thomas Barret | @tjlbarrett

Supporting Artists
Nnamdi Izuchukwu | @shedverse @nizforeva
Saadiq Theophilus |  @itsjustsaadiq
Hyabel Kidane | @hya.bel
Nayana Brathwaite | @nayana.ab
Munni | @mxn.ni
Denis Owusu | @fungsdae

Director & Editor: Rojal Jerome Myers | @rojaljmyers_
Director of Photography & Colourist: Zain Zaidi | @zainnzaidi
1st AC: Raphael Humphry-Atiemo | @raph.co.uk 
Gaffer: Otis Matthie | @lightwork_ldn
BTS Videography: Sara Wilkinson | @kreightvisions
Photography: Jade Reynolds-Hemmings | @jadereyphotos
Judith Rita Nanyonga | @judithritaphotography 
Production Assistant: Eugene Tan | @tan_eugene
Set Design: Sherrelle Simon | @sparkleandsequinsevents
Composer: John Njoroge | @_brickhertz @_njrge
Kelvin5star | @kelvin5star
Sudi | @sudi_skywalker
Siah | @siahthekid
Shot at
Sibling Studios | @siblingstudios_
Quest Studios | @quest_studios 
Special Thanks
The Myers Family
The Okello Family
Creative Debuts
Most Wanted Wines 

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